Mid-Term Educating Linguistically Diverse Students
At first I felt the semester started off quite slow,
I went to class on Monday thinking the class had never switched to Thursday. This led to me taking this class through
correspondence, which in itself is quite challenging for me. Then things seemed to be confusing for me when Francis
was out for two weeks. It was very tough for me to keep up with the class at this point also because internet
access was very limited to me.
I will be honest, I am having a hard time challenging
myself to get more organized with this class. However the content involved in this class is amazingly interesting. Chautauqua
has forced me to step out of the box a little and have fun with My character which happens to be my four year old daughter.
I enjoy working with the children (Diami and Krischell) on their characters. I has indeed been a challenge getting them
to be in their characters.
We also discussed Literature Circles and their
importance. It also has been helpful for me to understand them better when Francis works with me and explains in
detail how literature circles work. This helped because it gave us great insight about how to put together a literature
Since the beginning of this semester, I
have honestly been a walking stress ball, but despite me not having done a whole lot with my website, I have learned a great
deal. You may not be able to tell with my website, but it is definately all inscribed in my head. I have seen
other's websites and don't feel I deserve an A, I have done the best I can do with the resources and situations I have....I
would give myself a B.